Friday, February 28, 2020

Probation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Probation - Coursework Example He asserts that effective school-based programs can help youths to keep off drugs and avoid juvenile delinquencies. The article further explores community-based initiatives aimed at transforming first-time offenders to help them avoid future abrasion with the law. In the article, Greenwood discovers that evidence-based programs can be cost saving. The author utilizes a case of Washington legislature, the result of the analysis in 2006 indicated that doubling high-quality programs investment would suffice the need for more prison capacity. The author thus provides a case that adds to the credibility of the information provided in the article about the effectiveness of evidence-based programs. He recommends that the jurisdiction should adopt evidence-based approach in implementing working programs. When implementing blueprint models, the author recommends that proper choice of program model that focuses on the needs of clients and the agency. Greenwood also recommends that training should be offered by the jurisdiction to personnel involved so that its implementation can be successful. Further, the jurisdiction should recruit the right staff to steer the program, market the program to the clients and organization, organize for monitoring and feedback system to improve the program and institute quality assurance schedule to ensure high level of efficiency. Greenwood, P. (2008). Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders. The future of Children, 18(2), 185-210. Retrieved on December 2, 2014 from

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Research and statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research and statistics - Essay Example This study would require a random probabilistic sample of patients. Those eligible for participation would be receiving treatment for only one form of cancer, such as breast cancer. The less homogeneity of the IV (i.e. cancer) would help control for a normal population, as well as allow for wider generalisation of the results. The first two items are on Likert scales to provide an indication of the strength of the response. The third item is categorical, and although the level of measurement is low, the data will provide control variables when items 1 and 2 are correlated. Finally, the open question will show patients that their opinions and experiences are valued, and allow them to write in an un-restricted manner. The investigator will have two RAs analyse the texts to determine key themes, and their conclusions will be analysed using inter-rater reliability. The investigator will then draw conclusion from the final themes selected. A random probabilistic sample would be used to recruit the 80 students from a given university. All undergraduates in medicine degrees would be eligible to take part, across genders, ethnicities and ages. The sample will also be stratified by activity habits, with those who regularly take part in 30 minutes or more of structured exercise a day in one group, and those who don't in another. However, to be recruited each student must meet the selection criteria: they do not experience a heart condition; they are not asthmatic; and they are physically able to navigate eight flights of stairs without assistance. Materials A heart rate arm-cuff, which will be calibrated after each participant had had his or her pulse rate recorded. An isolated stairwell